Digital Constitutionalism

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

Digital Constitutionalism: Relocating Powers in the Algorithmic Society The spread of digital technologies has led to disruptive effects on the society of this century. As Floridi underlined, daily life is going towards an ‘onlife’ dimension. Automated data collection, mining, and algorithmic analysis, resulting in predictive profiling are increasingly projecting rights and freedoms in a ubiquitous…

Rewiring Media for Trustworthy AI

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

BetweenBrains: Taking Back our AI Future, a 2020 book, is a comprehensive summary of AI movement, also discussing AI-related media in detail. In chapter six, the authors interpret the AI technology in context of social media, journalism, public dialogue and democracy for responsible thinking and proper AI ethics.  “Trust has been eroding globally for a…

From synthetic media to ethical chatbots

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

How can humans be redefined with artificial intelligence? Interview with Katalin Feher Ph.D. Fulbright Research Scholar. An excerpt from the interview is below. The full text is available in English at The original interview was published in Hungarian by Digital Hungary. /…/ At this point, artificial intelligence (AI) is placed in the picture Exactly. In this case, we are no…

Digital Platform and Artificial Intelligence Futures

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

By Professor Robin Mansell, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science Central to the development of a digitally enabled world are innovations in technologies variously labelled Artificial Intelligence (AI), predictive algorithms or big data analytics. AI technologies rely on practices extending beyond passive capture of data to include methods of…

Voice Assistant technologies powered by AI

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

My name is Olya Kudina and I’m an Assistant Professor in the Ethicist and Philosophy of Technology in the TPM faculty here at TU Delft. In my work, I focus on the dynamic interaction between values and technologies. I help to analyze and establish technology development with ethical reflection and cultural sensitivity as integral counterparts.…