Synthetic ads, GANs, AI-generated media

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

Preparing for an era of deepfakes and AI-generated ads? A framework has become available for understanding responses to manipulated advertising in the context of AI-generated media.  Generations of manipulation in advertising is also analysed as the timeline of analogue, digital and synthetic media.  According to the authors, “technological  innovations  have  given  the  advertising  industry  the…

Digital Constitutionalism

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

Digital Constitutionalism: Relocating Powers in the Algorithmic Society The spread of digital technologies has led to disruptive effects on the society of this century. As Floridi underlined, daily life is going towards an ‘onlife’ dimension. Automated data collection, mining, and algorithmic analysis, resulting in predictive profiling are increasingly projecting rights and freedoms in a ubiquitous…

Rewiring Media for Trustworthy AI

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

BetweenBrains: Taking Back our AI Future, a 2020 book, is a comprehensive summary of AI movement, also discussing AI-related media in detail. In chapter six, the authors interpret the AI technology in context of social media, journalism, public dialogue and democracy for responsible thinking and proper AI ethics.  “Trust has been eroding globally for a…