Responsible AI Horizons for Policy Implementation

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

EU-Canada Leads to Collaborations on Responsible AI Futures. We’re happy to report that our workshop on Responsible AI Futures, a collaboration with the EU Horizon program, was a great success! Thanks to all the responsible AI experts who participated. Together, we explored the implications of AI technologies in working groups focused on sustainability, policy, society,…

The Applied AI Institute at Concordia University

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

The Concordia University Applied AI Institute, established to coordinate AI research and development efforts across various faculties, focuses on real-world applications of artificial intelligence. The institute encourages interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers in sciences, engineering, arts, business, and humanities, aiming to demystify AI and improve societal conditions. With more than 105 researchers and 200+ graduate students…