The Power Play: Media, Preferences, and Decision Making Unveiled

The article entitled Trends, risks and potential cooperations in the AI development market is available by International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Q1)
The goal of the paper is to identify the comprehensive trends, practical implications and risks of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the economy and society, exploring the expectations of powerful Hungarian actors in a global arena. The sociology of expectations framed the theoretical considerations. The explorative research design presents an anonymous qualitative online survey. Respondents represent the Hungarian AI Coalition with a quarter of the members. The key finding is a controversial result. Although AI is interpreted as a decision-supportive and problem-solving technology for the economy, uncertainties and fears for society are clearly formulated. Interpreting the results and the originality of the paper, trust building and responsibility sharing in cross-industrial collaborations are fundamental to reducing social uncertainties, overriding the popular or science fiction narratives and increasing future well-being. The paper suggests that businesses and policymaking identify AI technology as a tool distinguishing from tech-owners’ responsibilities. Therefore, the implications of the study support a reliable AI and also the potential for cross-industrial collaborations. The paper highlights the uncertainties of business investment and policymaking to encourage a comparative research project in the EU for trustworthy AI.
Keywords: AI, artificial intelligence, decision support, AI media, preferences, human behavior, trust, AI Ethics, trustworthy AI