Generative AI, Media, and Society

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

This book, published by Routledge under Taylor and Francis, explores generative AI’s transformative impact on media, socio-cultural dynamics, ethics, and policy, advocating proactive governance to navigate uncertainties. • Transformation: How does machine behavior reshape society? • Generative AI: AI as co-intelligence, from the Turing Test to business impacts. • AI Media: AI-media convergence, robot journalism, and disinformation. • Uncertainties: Unpredictability, strategic foresight, and…

Media Brain and Xinhua AI news anchors

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

As a radio journalist for years, I am interested in the development of media technology and the impact on media landscape. I closely followed the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in Chinese media industry. In December 2017, China’s Xinhua News Agency launched its AI Media Brain platform. In March 2018, the agency premiered the first…

Synthetic ads, GANs, AI-generated media

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

Preparing for an era of deepfakes and AI-generated ads? A framework has become available for understanding responses to manipulated advertising in the context of AI-generated media.  Generations of manipulation in advertising is also analysed as the timeline of analogue, digital and synthetic media.  According to the authors, “technological  innovations  have  given  the  advertising  industry  the…

Trends and business models of new-smart-AI (NSAI) media

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

The term “new media” represents a complex field with a jungle of concepts and with increasing number of publications. In parallel, the rapidly changing digital trends indicate further challenges to find relevant definitions or theories for new media. The study argues that the most definitive trends are rooted in the technology-driven paradigm shifts from digitalisation…