Synthetic ads, GANs, AI-generated media

By KatalinFeherFulbrighter

Preparing for an era of deepfakes and AI-generated ads?

A framework has become available for understanding responses to manipulated advertising in the context of AI-generated media.  Generations of manipulation in advertising is also analysed as the timeline of analogue, digital and synthetic media. 

According to the authors, “technological  innovations  have  given  the  advertising  industry  the digital and automatic tools enabling advertisers to automate much of the advertising processes, and produce “synthetic ads,” or ads comprising content based on the artificial and automatic production and  modification  of  data.  The  emerging  practice  of  synthetic  advertising,  to  date  the  most sophisticated  form of  ad  manipulation,  relies on  various  AI  techniques  such  as  deepfakes  and generative  adversarial  networks  (GANs),  to  auto-create  content  that  depicts  an  unreal,  albeit convincing, artificial version of reality.”

The work will help to explain “how consumers respond to the more sophisticated forms of synthetic ads  – such as deepfakes –  that are emerging at an accelerating rate.  To  guide research  in this area, a research  agenda  is  developed  focusing  on  three  manipulated  advertising  areas  –  ad  falsity, consumer  response,  and  originality.”

Please, welcome the work of Colin Campbell and his co-authors in the Journal of Advertising: Campbell, C., Plangger, K., Sands, S., & Kietzmann, J. (2021). Preparing for an era of deepfakes and AI-generated ads: A framework for understanding responses to manipulated advertising. Journal of Advertising.


Colin Campbell, University of San Diego

Sean Sands, Swinburne University of Technology

Kirk Plangger, King’s College London

Jan Kietzmann, University of Victoria